Product Description
Product Number Dimensions Type Length Packaging Quantity
PDR1001 35×7.5mm UNPERFORATED  1mt 20
PDR1002 35×7.5mm UNPERFORATED  2mt 20
PDR2001 35×7.5mm PERFORATED 1mt 20
PDR2002 35×7.5mm PERFORATED 2mt 20
PDR3001 35x15mm UNPERFORATED  1mt 10
PDR3002 35x15mm UNPERFORATED  2mt 10
PDR4001 35x15mm PERFORATED 1mt 10
PDR4002 35x15mm PERFORATED 2mt 10

DIN rails are an iron rod used when assembling panels. It fulfills its function thanks to the small holes in the product, which is preferred especially when installing the fuse. Available in several models from small to large, this iron plate is simple to use. Today, these systems have standard-specific dimensions.

The part, which was first used in Germany, solves many problems. In addition to being extremely simple, not using it causes damage to the system. Types of DIN rails vary with their length. Apart from this, due to its simple structure, it can create different situations in appearance.


What Do DIN Rails Mean?


The part to be mounted just behind the fuse benefits from fastening. In addition, it supports the fuse to remain balanced on the panel and not move when opening and closing. Models of DIN rails do not differ much. The main reason for this is that its functions are one-time. Today, it is used for assembly and fixing in electrical and industrial fields. The product, also known as the mounting rail, prevents movement after fixation.

In this way, there is no falling or breakage. Failure to use it causes various negativities. For this reason, you can buy the product from the models we have. DIN rails are very important products and are used in many panels.


How to use DIN Rails?


The product, which is used during the fixing of fuses and panels, attracts attention with its simple structure. Its durability ensures that it is not damaged during use. DIN rail prices are progressing at a certain level and create very ideal conditions. The fixation of the product, which is used in many electrical circuits today, should be done well. Thanks to its structure, it can be easily placed inside the panels.

Thanks to what it pulls, it will be fixed to the fuse and included in the system. Its metal structure allows it to stay in the panel for many years without any problems. These rails, which are used in each operation to be made in this direction, will make it easier to fix. This prevents the panel from falling in the future and eliminates electrical problems. You can reliably obtain and buy the panel from our company. In this way, you will have quality products and you will be able to make purchases without any problems.

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